Friday, April 18, 2014

Love the skin you are in

The Ponytail Chronicles
Everyone has things about themselves they don't like. Body image is extremely important to society in the day and age we live in. I have always been a big girl. Honestly it never bothered me. Only when it became a problem and effected my health did it become a dilemma. I have other issues that I deal with.

I lost my hearing when I was 22. My so called liberation for wearing a hearing aid was to cut all my hair off and dye it red. Girl BYE. It took me two years to grow it back lol. I also went through a metamorphosis at the same time. I know see that to overcompensate for what I felt I was lacking I started buying things to make myself feel adequate. I also had a good ass job and was making money eating it up lol and buying anything in reach. Walk in a store and everyone smiles.

 It took a long time for me to cope with my hearing loss. I still have problems dealing with it. Late deafened I read lips well. It's hard because I am so nosy lol. My family and friends are supportive. I don't know what I would do without them. My Nana used to always say "I forgot you can't hear too good, like my baby on the bus." I have always excelled at things. A perfectionist, I used to always downplay it. Gradually I have learned that it is apart of who I am. It is a part of God's plan for me.  I am very friendly and outgoing. I always tell people I am hearing impaired so if they see me again and I don't speak it might be because I don't hear them.

I read so many stories of people dying having surgeries that are cosmetic and unnecessary. To achieve a desired look so that they can look like the status quo. Please. I want to be small too. So I walk more. I watch what I eat and unfortunately when you are stressed you eat less. At the end of the day it doesn't matter if you are a size 2 or 22 as long as you are healthy.

If we would spend more time enriching our communities, cementing our familial ties and empowering our youth and less time obsessing about our bodies this world we live in would be so much better. In the interim learning to love the skin you are in and who you are is a great way to give back some of the love God placed inside each of us.