Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Keep Going

I tell a lot of jokes but I am serious when I say that the life you want you have to manifest. The Creator already has your purpose placed inside you. Sometimes life and the challenges we face may deter you from your dreams. Keep striving. You never should give up because your breakthrough may be literally around the corner.

Comparison is also a dream killer. Everyone is on their own journey. We all live in different locations, experience different things, we lead different lives. I am a worrier. Always have been. I could ruin a wet dream with my complaining. It's annoying. Spend enough time with yourself and you see your faults. Then take more time to correct them instead of judging others.

Forge relationships with good friends. If you are a woman seek out or respond to other women who you get a good feeling about. Be cautious but it's OK to meet new friends. I am a bitch. Some people don't like the B word. Okay but I am. It's okay to have girlfriends. I personally don't run with a crew anymore because I have been burned. A few genuine, honest loving friends is a blessing in life.

Ignore the dream killers and naysayers. I think the term HATER is too vague. Some people just can't envision their own dreams coming true so they attempt to kill your spirit. It's sad when someone is in the same place literally, emotionally, figuratively and spirituality. I have had the same dreams for years. I just was so busy existing that I never pursued them in earnest. Those days are over.

Sometimes you have to be still and know God. His opinion and your own are the only ones that matter. For example someone I was connected to awhile back has a new show coming out shortly. She is doing the publicity blitz, interviews etc. While she is promoting her show her social media accounts are not flooded with it. She is humble. It has been a long time coming. She chalked it up to God's Divine Plan.

I find nothing more flattering than a person in a position of power to tell me "I finally put the name with the face". All the time I spent honing my skills is serving me well on my journey. It's HARD but nothing in life worth anything is easy. I am just about my business now because I am thankful for all I have yet I want so MUCH more. I want the comfort and peace of mind only success can bring. Stability and the gift of being able to give back through Philanthropy. Politics is too much for an honest heart. I use to be meek and then the tests of LIFE made me stronger. I am not bitter but I am also not the same person I was four years ago. Or yesterday for that matter. Regardless what you are going through,  if you want to succeed you must keep going.

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