Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Self Love

Sometimes we really need to take the time to get to know ourselves. As I write in earnest to compile my book, I am realizing that alot of things I went through-good, bad and indifferent I blocked out. I stored it in a place where I never visit.

I tell alot of jokes but I am serious about the need to love yourself. You can have the strongest familiar ties, be a great partner, maintain a nice home but to neglect oneself is not only selfish, it is also detrimental to your health.

I will give you an example. I am salivating over a set of glassware(actually two) and two nice pitchers to add to my collection for spring. I  told Jermaine about it because we purchased something similar in the past. I saw pictures of Ciara's baby shower over the weekend and sure ENOUGH the Event Planner had the SAME items at the shower. Now I am ALWAYS on a budget, cutting corners and making ends not only meet but kiss and hold hands. I am proud of my evolution because the old Kim would have 20 bags full of clothes and accessories in a cab. I LOVE my apartment. No seriously. I moved here a month before I officially left Verizon and have spent the last three years in a cocoon. Yet for the cost of these items I covet when tallied I can get my hair braided, mani and pedi, and lunch after I splurge on these treats for myself. I was given the money to do this recently by both of my little sisters and paid BILLS instead.

NOW the old KIM would do both, regardless of the consequences. The Kim I just left would do the entire living room over immediately including the drapes I want from West Elm and rock this ponytail until Labor Day. The Kim I am now is looking at a compromise. I have an obsession with glassware. My home has a bar and I collect things. I inherited this trait from my late grandmother Ms. Helen who worked for and retired from Pottery Barn/William-Sanoma. I am going to buy one set of the glasses and a pitcher. I don't have but three friends anyway lol. The same people I drink Limeritas with I drink Patron and Hennessey with too.

I am learning to delegate responsibilities and prioritize. Keeping up with the Jones isn't as important as keeping up MYSELF. Bills and responsibilities are apart of life regardless of who you are. I love to cook and enjoy picking up things to improve my home. I also love my son as we all should love our children. Just try to remember to carve out a little time for yourself. I know it's hard when we are pulled in a million directions. It can be very overwhelming at times. If the load you carry begins to consume you, lean on The Lord. I mean it, one of those "God it's Me prayers".

I don't know if it's just me, (I doubt it) but I hold myself to a standard that is at times is too HIGH. Then when I can't reach it I feel disappointed. Those days are OVER. I can't do it ANYMORE. It is depleting my spirit. I am a great person. Good friend and human being. I am a bit much but my heart is KIND. I would do ANYTHING for anyone as long as you don't try to play me. The energy I invested in people, places and things that no longer serve me I am now using to fuel my dreams. I really have a gift. I can tell a story in such a unique way that the reader is transported to my vision. I am going to use my gift to keep alive the memories my family created. To achieve monetary gains to better the quality of life for
my family. To be able to give back to my community and beyond through philanthropy. By truly answering my calling and living out my dreams that is the ultimate expression of self LOVE.

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