Make no mistake about it-the life we want we must design. A constant in my life is God and all He has planned for me and what He will manifest on HIS TIME. I also have an obligation to diligently work proactively to contribute to my success. Each step towards a goal is worthy of gratitude.
Sometimes we are put in situations to test our tolerance and create within us an ability to adapt. If everything always stayed the same we would never grow. If we never step out of our comfort zone and stay snuggled in a cocoon of complacency then are we TRULY living?
I KNOW how many people read my Blog. It is tracked. I hope that each of you that read my words feel the authenticity of what I share. I am constantly evolving. The person I was last year I don't think I would even recognize. The one thing I am working on the most is getting out of my own way. The letting go of past hurts and not holding grudges is a thing of the past. I truly don't give a fuck. If you are with me on this journey then be prepared for the ride of your life. In order for me to succeed I have to create the things that are needed to make it happen.
I am also true to myself. That was missing for a long time. Outwardly I may appear narcissistic, even a tad bit conceited. I rarely put myself first though. It got to the point where if I don't focus on me who will? What I know for sure is that this is it! One life, numerous chances and countless redemption's. It is up to each of us to find purpose and passion in everything. Above all remain true to yourself. If you have a dream actively pursue it and don't let anyone including yourself derail you from achieving it.
I hope today and everyday is full of peace, prosperity and joy for each of you. Spring has sprung and the air is warmer. The birds are chirping and the flowers are in bloom. We each owe it to ourselves and one another to sing the song God has placed inside of our soul. May today be the blessing to you that it is to me.
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