Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Fearless and Authentic

              So much has happened in my life since my last entry. No matter what I am going through I still find the strength to keep going. I have to. Although it's hard I MUST. When I started this Blog it was meant to inform, enlighten and entertain. I also created it as an outlet for my need to write on a continuous basis.

             As I travel along life I am learning valuable lessons. One thing that I have come to know is that joy can be found in the most unconventional places. All you have to do is be open to it. It can be found in the little things.

            Every one is going through something. Class, race, gender, socio-economic distinction in no way determines what fate or lot we are dealt in life. Look at the Carters. They are going through the motions just like everyone else. And everyone is in their business. Just like everyone else.

         The main reason why I respect and admire Jay-Z is because he didn't let his upbringing and the circumstances in which he was born into define him. He is a man, nothing less but more in many ways. That he is known in Far Rockaway and in France.I don't know the specifics of the latest incident but I do know the logistics of family quarrels and at the end of the night it usually ends in a diner unless you can afford to call a restaurant owner and wake him up to make you some eggs.....

                  Spring has sprung and for me a new Kim has emerged. All the dedication, loyalty and love I hold in my heart is pure. See I don't have an agenda. I just try to make a way for as many as I possibly can. I am also not selfish. I used to be selfish, I admit that. You end up alone with materialistic things.

                 With God's Grace I will turn 37 years old this Summer. I
 Thank God I don't look like what I have been through. Social media has gotten a lot of people screwed up. We are not just filtering our pictures, we are filtering our lives. Misconstrued and twisted realities.  I am thankful for every test, every lesson and all the knowledge that my trials and tribulations have given me.

              Let go and let God. Be still and leave your heart and mind open to your blessings. At the end I used to dread going to work. Not like we all do at times but I knew that it wasn't what I needed to do any longer. God knew it to. I help people. I always have but now I do it on a regular basis. A young man I mentor in my neighborhood just got a great job and the joy in his eyes when he told me let me know I am exactly where I need to be.

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