I haven't posted an entry for a while. I am humbled and appreciative that so many find inspiration and strength from my writing. Also from me as a person. My journey although unique is in no way any harder than anyone else. See I have come to realize that God gives everyone exactly what they need, on HIS TIME.
Life is not a popularity contest. What others think of you is none of your concern. You only get one life and each day is a gift. I cannot emphasize that enough. Don't waste it on nonsense and pointless bullshit. Just live life with the best intentions and a kind heart. Embrace the good and block out the negativity. At the end of the day God is The Author of your entry in The Book of Life and He sees all. Be a blessing in some one's life today starting with your own.
This Blog was created so that the world could get a peek at my life. My posts are designed to motivate, educate, uplift, inform and entertain. At the end of the day some of the few things we have is our talents and dreams. Hold on tight to these and never allow anyone to discourage your desire to accomplish them. Ambition is priceless.
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Fearless and Authentic
So much has happened in my life since my last entry. No matter what I am going through I still find the strength to keep going. I have to. Although it's hard I MUST. When I started this Blog it was meant to inform, enlighten and entertain. I also created it as an outlet for my need to write on a continuous basis.
As I travel along life I am learning valuable lessons. One thing that I have come to know is that joy can be found in the most unconventional places. All you have to do is be open to it. It can be found in the little things.
Every one is going through something. Class, race, gender, socio-economic distinction in no way determines what fate or lot we are dealt in life. Look at the Carters. They are going through the motions just like everyone else. And everyone is in their business. Just like everyone else.
The main reason why I respect and admire Jay-Z is because he didn't let his upbringing and the circumstances in which he was born into define him. He is a man, nothing less but more in many ways. That he is known in Far Rockaway and in France.I don't know the specifics of the latest incident but I do know the logistics of family quarrels and at the end of the night it usually ends in a diner unless you can afford to call a restaurant owner and wake him up to make you some eggs.....
Spring has sprung and for me a new Kim has emerged. All the dedication, loyalty and love I hold in my heart is pure. See I don't have an agenda. I just try to make a way for as many as I possibly can. I am also not selfish. I used to be selfish, I admit that. You end up alone with materialistic things.
With God's Grace I will turn 37 years old this Summer. I
Thank God I don't look like what I have been through. Social media has gotten a lot of people screwed up. We are not just filtering our pictures, we are filtering our lives. Misconstrued and twisted realities. I am thankful for every test, every lesson and all the knowledge that my trials and tribulations have given me.
Let go and let God. Be still and leave your heart and mind open to your blessings. At the end I used to dread going to work. Not like we all do at times but I knew that it wasn't what I needed to do any longer. God knew it to. I help people. I always have but now I do it on a regular basis. A young man I mentor in my neighborhood just got a great job and the joy in his eyes when he told me let me know I am exactly where I need to be.
As I travel along life I am learning valuable lessons. One thing that I have come to know is that joy can be found in the most unconventional places. All you have to do is be open to it. It can be found in the little things.
Every one is going through something. Class, race, gender, socio-economic distinction in no way determines what fate or lot we are dealt in life. Look at the Carters. They are going through the motions just like everyone else. And everyone is in their business. Just like everyone else.
The main reason why I respect and admire Jay-Z is because he didn't let his upbringing and the circumstances in which he was born into define him. He is a man, nothing less but more in many ways. That he is known in Far Rockaway and in France.I don't know the specifics of the latest incident but I do know the logistics of family quarrels and at the end of the night it usually ends in a diner unless you can afford to call a restaurant owner and wake him up to make you some eggs.....
Spring has sprung and for me a new Kim has emerged. All the dedication, loyalty and love I hold in my heart is pure. See I don't have an agenda. I just try to make a way for as many as I possibly can. I am also not selfish. I used to be selfish, I admit that. You end up alone with materialistic things.
With God's Grace I will turn 37 years old this Summer. I
Thank God I don't look like what I have been through. Social media has gotten a lot of people screwed up. We are not just filtering our pictures, we are filtering our lives. Misconstrued and twisted realities. I am thankful for every test, every lesson and all the knowledge that my trials and tribulations have given me.
Let go and let God. Be still and leave your heart and mind open to your blessings. At the end I used to dread going to work. Not like we all do at times but I knew that it wasn't what I needed to do any longer. God knew it to. I help people. I always have but now I do it on a regular basis. A young man I mentor in my neighborhood just got a great job and the joy in his eyes when he told me let me know I am exactly where I need to be.
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
What I know for sure
Make no mistake about it-the life we want we must design. A constant in my life is God and all He has planned for me and what He will manifest on HIS TIME. I also have an obligation to diligently work proactively to contribute to my success. Each step towards a goal is worthy of gratitude.
Sometimes we are put in situations to test our tolerance and create within us an ability to adapt. If everything always stayed the same we would never grow. If we never step out of our comfort zone and stay snuggled in a cocoon of complacency then are we TRULY living?
I KNOW how many people read my Blog. It is tracked. I hope that each of you that read my words feel the authenticity of what I share. I am constantly evolving. The person I was last year I don't think I would even recognize. The one thing I am working on the most is getting out of my own way. The letting go of past hurts and not holding grudges is a thing of the past. I truly don't give a fuck. If you are with me on this journey then be prepared for the ride of your life. In order for me to succeed I have to create the things that are needed to make it happen.
I am also true to myself. That was missing for a long time. Outwardly I may appear narcissistic, even a tad bit conceited. I rarely put myself first though. It got to the point where if I don't focus on me who will? What I know for sure is that this is it! One life, numerous chances and countless redemption's. It is up to each of us to find purpose and passion in everything. Above all remain true to yourself. If you have a dream actively pursue it and don't let anyone including yourself derail you from achieving it.
I hope today and everyday is full of peace, prosperity and joy for each of you. Spring has sprung and the air is warmer. The birds are chirping and the flowers are in bloom. We each owe it to ourselves and one another to sing the song God has placed inside of our soul. May today be the blessing to you that it is to me.
Sometimes we are put in situations to test our tolerance and create within us an ability to adapt. If everything always stayed the same we would never grow. If we never step out of our comfort zone and stay snuggled in a cocoon of complacency then are we TRULY living?
I KNOW how many people read my Blog. It is tracked. I hope that each of you that read my words feel the authenticity of what I share. I am constantly evolving. The person I was last year I don't think I would even recognize. The one thing I am working on the most is getting out of my own way. The letting go of past hurts and not holding grudges is a thing of the past. I truly don't give a fuck. If you are with me on this journey then be prepared for the ride of your life. In order for me to succeed I have to create the things that are needed to make it happen.
I am also true to myself. That was missing for a long time. Outwardly I may appear narcissistic, even a tad bit conceited. I rarely put myself first though. It got to the point where if I don't focus on me who will? What I know for sure is that this is it! One life, numerous chances and countless redemption's. It is up to each of us to find purpose and passion in everything. Above all remain true to yourself. If you have a dream actively pursue it and don't let anyone including yourself derail you from achieving it.
I hope today and everyday is full of peace, prosperity and joy for each of you. Spring has sprung and the air is warmer. The birds are chirping and the flowers are in bloom. We each owe it to ourselves and one another to sing the song God has placed inside of our soul. May today be the blessing to you that it is to me.
Monday, May 5, 2014
A New Day
I know it may sound cliche but it's never too late to start anew. Each day and it's Dawn offers the ability to start over. I think that as time goes on many people forget that. We each have the ability to reinvent ourselves. No matter what we have been through in life we can change our circumstances. It starts with changing our attitude.
Have you ever seen someone who despite their situation they GLOW? That every time they open their mouths positivity is what they spout and when you leave them YOU feel better. I have spent most my life helping others and giving back. That will continue. I just have decided to take the time for me and work on being a better me. In order to be the BEST mother, daughter, partner, sister, aunt, niece, godmother and friend that I possibly can I must remain committed to taking care of myself.
I lost some weight. It wasn't that hard. I started moving, walking, drinking water, watching what I eat. I started writing. It wasn't hard. I started carrying a journal and pen with me. Rereading books from my past. Attending workshops, taking webinars, going to the library. I am a procrastinator. I wait for the last minute for everything. Shit I didn't fully grasp that I was going to be a Mother until I woke up to go to the hospital. I just refuse to let life pass me by. I will not let my creative and emotional spirit lay dormant.
The life we each have is designed by God. From the Creator we are given a blank canvass. What we do with this unique gift is up to us. Someone said to me recently " Kim, I know you want to be rich and famous". YEAH I do! All my life I have, since I was little yes I have. My teachers, family and friends have always encouraged me. As I age honestly I would rather just be rich, the fame isn't important. I just want my words to be seen by as many people as possible. That the life that I was given shall stand as a testament of my tenacious spirit.
I am currently reading Iyanla Vanzant's " One Day my Soul Just Opened Up". I have had it for years. I kept starting it, but it comes with a commitment of 40 days and 40 NIGHTS with assignments. It is forcing me to think, listen and meditate. The one thing that I have truly taken with me thus far is that what we seek is already placed inside up by the Creator. God has to be the driving force in our lives.
I am also learning that my past in no way, shape or form dictates my future. My present circumstances are the only thing that I need to concentrate on. Not worry about but focus on. I also am learning I can't be EVERYTHING to everyone. It's impossible. I just am thankful for the love and lessons I have accumulated over the years. I feel like I am growing into the person that God has cultivated from my conception. I feel renewed and above all blessed. A new day has dawned.
Sunday, May 4, 2014
The ties that bind. Friendship is one of the best parts of life. One of the great parts about aging, is that you are able to recognize, distinguish the real from the fake. I am not going to go into a long tirade about past wrongs and betrayals-I am just going to drop a few jewels that I picked up over the years.
True friends don't STAY mad. I mean no matter what transpired, when you get that call about a crisis, calamity, disaster, you are there. When my father died, illness, when things go wrong you are shown the truth about people. Listen to the whispers(in my Oprah voice).
If you feel like you have to censor yourself around someone they are not your true friend. People will steal business opportunities, job offers, everything. Case in point. I was in a store with someone who hangs with a former friend of mine. They became friends AFTER we stopped being friends. I never hung out with this person, don't know her from a can of paint. Yet she had such animosity radiating from her being towards me. Hmmmmm.
True friends compliment and complete you. No matter WHAT is going on they are there. My best friend had a emergency but no matter what she made it home to wish my son a happy birthday. She knows the depth of my love and adoration for my child. See what people fail to realize about life is that the little things matter. Having a shoulder to cry on. To be able to turn to someone and expose your shortcomings. To be raw and seek comforts for your wounds. Never throwing up in your face what they did for you.
I am thankful for the fake friends, vultures, frenemies and negative people I have come into contact with. The ones who are quick to spend your money but when they got some they are out. Or will sell your secrets for a drink. I am an amazing person. Of course there are going to be some haters. It is a given. It however will not be tolerated in my circle. My home used to stay busy. I rarely entertain now unless it's my family or close friends.
I am far from perfect. To know me is to love me though. It used to hurt when people I thought knew my story to my glory shit on me but it's all apart of life. For every fake friend I eliminated or who was purged from my life through something, their departure made space for me to embrace a genuine, loving and positive person.
I also don't desire new people getting close to me. If I learned nothing else at all over the last few years I have learned that less is more. Everything in life is geared to teach you something. Chaos comes from not having peace in your life. Eliminate the negatives and concentrate on the positives. If our goals are not aligned then what is the use of being around each other.
I am very loyal. It is a trait I used to detest but I see it in my son and I admire him for it. He has some great friends. They are great kids. They remind me that no matter what point we each start off from if we are determined to take this journey together and remain true and real with each other than the possibilities are endless.
True friends don't STAY mad. I mean no matter what transpired, when you get that call about a crisis, calamity, disaster, you are there. When my father died, illness, when things go wrong you are shown the truth about people. Listen to the whispers(in my Oprah voice).
If you feel like you have to censor yourself around someone they are not your true friend. People will steal business opportunities, job offers, everything. Case in point. I was in a store with someone who hangs with a former friend of mine. They became friends AFTER we stopped being friends. I never hung out with this person, don't know her from a can of paint. Yet she had such animosity radiating from her being towards me. Hmmmmm.
True friends compliment and complete you. No matter WHAT is going on they are there. My best friend had a emergency but no matter what she made it home to wish my son a happy birthday. She knows the depth of my love and adoration for my child. See what people fail to realize about life is that the little things matter. Having a shoulder to cry on. To be able to turn to someone and expose your shortcomings. To be raw and seek comforts for your wounds. Never throwing up in your face what they did for you.
I am thankful for the fake friends, vultures, frenemies and negative people I have come into contact with. The ones who are quick to spend your money but when they got some they are out. Or will sell your secrets for a drink. I am an amazing person. Of course there are going to be some haters. It is a given. It however will not be tolerated in my circle. My home used to stay busy. I rarely entertain now unless it's my family or close friends.
I am far from perfect. To know me is to love me though. It used to hurt when people I thought knew my story to my glory shit on me but it's all apart of life. For every fake friend I eliminated or who was purged from my life through something, their departure made space for me to embrace a genuine, loving and positive person.
I also don't desire new people getting close to me. If I learned nothing else at all over the last few years I have learned that less is more. Everything in life is geared to teach you something. Chaos comes from not having peace in your life. Eliminate the negatives and concentrate on the positives. If our goals are not aligned then what is the use of being around each other.
I am very loyal. It is a trait I used to detest but I see it in my son and I admire him for it. He has some great friends. They are great kids. They remind me that no matter what point we each start off from if we are determined to take this journey together and remain true and real with each other than the possibilities are endless.
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