Thursday, June 5, 2014

Happiness Comes from Within

        I took a hiatus with my Blog because as the seasons changed and Summer began to show her presence I needed some time to reconfigure ME. Although born in July I really other than my birthday didn't like Summer but this past winter not only brought frigid temperatures to my region but it was a defining time in my life.

       I have grown so much this year. I have stepped out of my comfort zone and am embracing life and living each day on my own terms. I have issues as we each do. I just choose to live each day aware of the gift that it is. I will not allow anyone or anything to steal my joy or rain or my proverbial parade. Some days or better than others but I am learning that if you don't let negativity in then there isn't any space to plant a root and feed off of your joy.

       I can only speak for myself but life is so much sweeter when you just breathe. I am not a magician and I don't have a recipe for bliss. My family, faith and friends bring me so much joy! God has blessed me in unimaginable ways and He is The Redeemer. I am letting Him lead and I will never again compromise who I AM for anyone again. In order to grow you must take a look at who you are and what you want. I just KNOW that in the end if you do your best it is good enough. My journey has taught me that things and people change-don't dwell on the past or your pain just move on and bring the lesson-because every person you encounter has a lesson to teach you if you just listen to the whispers(in my Oprah voice).

    Dr. Angelou's passing showed me what a life well lived will produce. Did she brag about being the first female African-American conductor? Did she name drop about being in Ghana with Brother Malcolm or being half of "Al & Rita" with Alvin Ailey? Did she boast of orchestrating pivotal events for the Southern Christian Leadership Conference? Did she stunt about marrying a man regardless of his ethnicity when we live in a time where people can't even commit to a relationship exclusively on Facebook. In the end her words will live in infamy and if it is God's Plan mine will also. I just KNOW in order to be the best ME I can be(hey that rhymes) I must let go of my fears, inhibitions and the people, places and things that no longer serve me.

  It amazing how much energy and time we waste on bullshit. At least I DID. Not anymore. Life is too short and I am tired of being tired. Drained from drama and inconsequential nonsense. At the end of the day someone else's opinion of you is none of your concern. I KNOW I am a Phenomenal Woman-that's ME.

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