Wednesday, November 19, 2014

I cried because I had no shoes until I met a man who had no feet...

The last few years have been hard for me around the holidays for a number of reasons. Growing up I always was with my entire family. The memories we created and the lessons I learned I carry with me and treasure all the days of my life.

Instead of dwelling on negativity I am thankful for my blessings. My son has matured and has a job, is doing good in school and is in a relationship with a sweet girl who I adore. My mother who has had health issues is not only surviving but thriving. I have a really great relationship with my Sister and her children that brings me so much joy. I have a true friend in Samantha who lifts me up with encouragement and laughter. My Aunts Colette and Helen always have my back and are literally just a phone call away. Always there it's never a NO- maybe a not this second lol.

I have found true love in my Kitty Lucky. I am not a animal lover AT ALL but my Baby is the best thing that has happened to me in a long time. All he wants is love and affection. He lit a fire in me that for a long time lay cold and I am forever grateful.

Last but certainly not least I am in love with my best friend. Born 5 years and two days apart we are so alike that it's scary sometimes. Our relationship isn't perfect but who knows where I would be if he wasn't in my life. Each holiday season brings the memories of how we met. I am thankful for God's gift to me of him on the Day Jesus was born.

Daddy used to say " I cried because I had no shoes until I met a man who had no feet." I am not where I want to be professionally yet and I want to be a homeowner in 2015 for real. I am however thankful for all the love, laughter and joy in my life presently.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Autumn in New York

I know I haven't posted anything in quite along time. Life's everyday routine coupled with getting myself together has made me neglectful to my Blog. So many people find my words encouraging and inspiring. I appreciate everyone who is taking my journey with me.

When you are a writer and life's situations get to be overwhelming it is so therapeutic to express yourself through words. It is a great release because it allows you to vent and also find comfort by seeing your feelings come alive.

I am at a point in my life right now where I am trying to get myself together. Physically, emotionally and mentally. This weekend one of my oldest and dearest friends came to visit me. It was so needed. Touching base with someone who has known you from the beginning puts things in perspective.

I don't know everything. I am intelligent, some say even gifted but I am a novice at a lot of things. Times spent burning the proverbial midnight oil absorbing facts and figures leave little time to acquire some of the other life skills you need in order to be a well rounded person. As I age I am open to seeing other people's views and broadening my own horizons.

At the end of the day I am trying to not only survive but to thrive. I worry all the time mostly about things that in the grand scheme of things are so inconsequential. My late father was like that too and he missed out on so much joy waiting for the pain...

As the holidays approach I am thankful for my ability to reinvent myself. I am constantly changing. My Mother complimented me the other day and said I am not who I was three months ago. Not only physically but I am open to change. I crave it. I am working on being a better Kim and each day is better than the last. I am not a perfect person but my heart is kind and nothing will ever change that. There's a saying " There's no use crying over spilled perfume." Everything that happens to us happens and how we react, adapt and learn from it helps define who we are. Life is about growth and change. I am just thankful for my blessings and my journey-whatever comes....

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Life is but a Dream

I haven't posted anything in awhile because well life has had me going in a million different directions. I am BLESSED and highly favored by The Creator and thankful that He chooses to open my eyes each day. My family and the few true friends I have make life truly fulfilling.

I have a lot on my plate as we all do. It is daunting at times trying to juggle it all. Sometimes I feel like no one truly understands how hard it is to live the life that some covet I just try to stay focused and not feed into any negativity that I may encounter.

I am determined to get to where I need to be while I take the time to enjoy the ride. I am determined to succeed professionally because failure isn't an option.  We all may stumble along the way but the path to success is learning from your mistakes.

I also need to worry less and listen more. There is so much knowledge to be gained from others if you are open to let people in. That is my problem I don't trust easily because I have been hurt.

Material things come and go but good people and times are rare so if you are lucky enough to encounter them treasure it.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Summer Breeze

This Summer has been about change. Growth and stepping out of my comfort zone. I don't know if it's because the weather was so inclement last winter but this summer each brand new sunrise feels beautiful. It shows me that no matter what  happened yesterday God allowed me to experience today. I am thankful for the lessons I have learned along the way. At times it may seem as if some of the things we experience are meant to break us but the truth is our trials and tribulations are our greatest lessons.

What I have also realized in earnestness is that life can change in the blink of an eye. We should each appreciate the gift of today and all the beauty and wonder it brings. I am learning to let go and let God lead. everything that happens in our lives is designed by the Creator to reinforce whatever He is trying to teach us. Sometimes the best thing that we can do is just step out of out own way. Love the people that love us back, pray for the people that don't and live each day to the fullest. You only get one life and it should be filled with all the joy your heart can hold.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Dance with my Father

I remember my seventh birthday. July 1984 we just returned from Cleveland. That trip stands out to me because it was one of the rare occasions during my childhood that I actually enjoyed the constant "she looks just like Ronald" that I have "endured" all of my life.

I never expected my father to suddenly pass away. Never did I believe that we weren't going to be together for many years to come. Of course I miss sharing the milestones with him. My mothers strength and resiliency. David and Kazia. David is Daddy fifty years ago-the same walk. I am with Courtney all the time and we hardly ever argue. He would of loved that but then again Samantha plays a big role in that as well.

I know that God's Will is His Way and that my father has prepared a place for me with Our King. As I embark on another milestone, I drift back to my 29th birthday and how Daddy and I danced all night. How the music wasn't the focus but the security and love I received in his arms was. How I was nervous to dance in front of all those people, song after song but my Daddy never let me go.How he spun me around and I felt like we were in the living room dancing in front of the big stereo to "Street Life", "Native New Yorker" or "Careless Whisper".

My father taught me many things. How to tie my shoes, thread a needle and fry chicken just to name a few. He built a volcano for me and came to the Science Fair, practiced with me for the Spelling Bee and Storytelling contests. All those speeches in school I wowed the world with, he was my audience for weeks. I was that great ass representative at Verizon because Daddy practiced bridging to the sale with me until I could sell a blind person a map.

My final gifts to my father are to keep his memory alive to Kayla and all the others that come into our family. Kayla is so sweet and humble. A beautiful child who actually acts at times that she is unaware of her beauty. That makes her even more gorgeous to me.

When I said goodbye to Daddy with Nana and Aunt Jetaun I made a promise to him and God that I would live my life for both of us. I know that at times I can get overwhelmed with the realities of life and forget to be content with the opportunity to experience today. I put other peoples needs ahead of my own. My father knew this way before I acknowledged this.

I miss you Daddy but thank you for guiding me from above. Tell Nana yes I still pick out the best greeting cards after Ronald....xoxo

"Look at this face, I know the years are showing
 Look at this life, I still don't know where I'm going....
 I don't know MUCH but I know I love YOU
 And that may be all I need to know."

Sunday, June 15, 2014


                                             When I reflect on my memories of life with my late father I remember that my Daddy always took the time to make sure we were alright. Ever since he passed away I have felt as if a piece of me was missing. I am grateful that my Sister and I were able to experience the positive joy of having our Dad in our lives.

                                            As I age I have learned alot of what my Dad was trying to teach me. He always said "to do your best and it was enough". He said "three things in life are non-negotiable-you're born, you die and you have to pay taxes". I love my father so much and as everyone knows I look just like him. It was a curse during his life but in the end it is such a blessing! I miss my father but I know he lived a full life and when it was over he left a legacy of love, laughter and wisdom. My father lives on through our family and I know he guides me from above just like I know my name.
                                     The only thing I wish was that we had more time. And that we woukd of taken more photographs. I carry him in my heart always and I know one day we will meet again. I love you Daddy and miss you so much. I thank you for teaching me independence and self-worth. For encouraging education and fostering my growth. Even your death taught me that no matter what you do in life good or bad in the end love tells your story and redemption is attainable. Happy Father's Day Daddy xoxo

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Happiness Comes from Within

        I took a hiatus with my Blog because as the seasons changed and Summer began to show her presence I needed some time to reconfigure ME. Although born in July I really other than my birthday didn't like Summer but this past winter not only brought frigid temperatures to my region but it was a defining time in my life.

       I have grown so much this year. I have stepped out of my comfort zone and am embracing life and living each day on my own terms. I have issues as we each do. I just choose to live each day aware of the gift that it is. I will not allow anyone or anything to steal my joy or rain or my proverbial parade. Some days or better than others but I am learning that if you don't let negativity in then there isn't any space to plant a root and feed off of your joy.

       I can only speak for myself but life is so much sweeter when you just breathe. I am not a magician and I don't have a recipe for bliss. My family, faith and friends bring me so much joy! God has blessed me in unimaginable ways and He is The Redeemer. I am letting Him lead and I will never again compromise who I AM for anyone again. In order to grow you must take a look at who you are and what you want. I just KNOW that in the end if you do your best it is good enough. My journey has taught me that things and people change-don't dwell on the past or your pain just move on and bring the lesson-because every person you encounter has a lesson to teach you if you just listen to the whispers(in my Oprah voice).

    Dr. Angelou's passing showed me what a life well lived will produce. Did she brag about being the first female African-American conductor? Did she name drop about being in Ghana with Brother Malcolm or being half of "Al & Rita" with Alvin Ailey? Did she boast of orchestrating pivotal events for the Southern Christian Leadership Conference? Did she stunt about marrying a man regardless of his ethnicity when we live in a time where people can't even commit to a relationship exclusively on Facebook. In the end her words will live in infamy and if it is God's Plan mine will also. I just KNOW in order to be the best ME I can be(hey that rhymes) I must let go of my fears, inhibitions and the people, places and things that no longer serve me.

  It amazing how much energy and time we waste on bullshit. At least I DID. Not anymore. Life is too short and I am tired of being tired. Drained from drama and inconsequential nonsense. At the end of the day someone else's opinion of you is none of your concern. I KNOW I am a Phenomenal Woman-that's ME.